A Young Girl’s Dream of Living on an Airplane Became Her Reality

Published: Nov 03, 2023

Many people look forward to their first airplane trip with eagerness. Some people were so excited before their first-ever flight that they lost sleep the night before.

While you may find air travel as casual as a drive on the interstate, it is close to a spiritual experience for some people.

A Flying Angel Who Wants to Live in the Skies

Lujza Pados is a 13-year-old Hungarian girl who travels frequently by air with her family. She’s so obsessed with air travel that it resonates often in her thoughts.


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On one occasion, Lujza suggested to her parents her wish to live in an airplane. As any parent would be, hers were very much surprised, but not until she made clarifications.


A Creative Imagination From a 13-Year-Old

What Lujza meant was that she would love to have a cabin that gives her the feel of air travel. She was well aware that her family had enough space at their vacation home to accommodate such a structure. 


Source: Amazing Architecture/ Facebook

Lujza’s motive for asking for a cabin is to have a personal space where she could have friends over and enjoy some ‘me’ time. 

Investing in Creativity

The Pados family could have laughed off their daughter’s imagination, but the dad slept over it. While it is likely to be an expensive project, he finally agreed to invest in his daughter’s creative desire. 


Source: Amazing Architecture/ Facebook

What made Mr. Pados change his mind? Well, he saw Lujza’s request as an opportunity to encourage character formation and responsibility in her. 

Hello, Young Designer!

A week after Lujza made her wish known to her family, her dad set up a conference call with a construction firm in Budapest. During the call, she was allowed to pitch her idea to Tamás Fülöp, the firm’s project manager. 


Source: Amazing Architecture/ Facebook

Fülöp thought it a worthy challenge and decided to take up the project. According to him, Lujza would be the youngest client of their firm, Hello Wood. 

Lujza Gets to Supervise Her First-Ever Real-Life Project

After extensive discussions between Fülöp and the Pados duo, the team from Hello Wood got the ball rolling. However, Mr. Pados emphasized that he would want his daughter to be carried along with the specifics of the cabin design. 

Source: Amazing Architecture/ Facebook

That week, the Hello Wood team began preparing prefabricated plywood and other building materials. The items were moved 130 miles from Budapest to Zala County, where the Pados vacation home is located. 


Lujza, the Project Manager in Training

It slowly became obvious that Mr. Pados was after more than building his daughter a cabin. During the construction, Lujza learned to interact seamlessly with adults. 

Source: Amazing Architecture/ Facebook

Lujza’s dad has not only paid for the construction of an airplane-themed cabin but also for lessons in self-awareness and interpersonal relations. 


An Airplane Cabin Takes Shape in Zala County

Fülöp based the cabin design on drawings and features specified by Lujza, so the cabin started taking shape. It looks just like a life-size toy plane. 

Source: Amazing Architecture/ Facebook

It was agreed that the cabin would be called Jet House. It comes with a bathroom, a double bed tucked into the plane’s nose, a kitchenette, and living space. To avoid damage by the environment, the outer surface of the cabin was coated with pastel blue, water-resistant paint. 


Flying A Private Jet in the Hungarian Woods

The design of the Jet House’s interior is so detailed that it feels like flying in a private jet. There are actual airplane seats, windows, overhead carriage, and furniture incorporated into the building. 

Source: Amazing Architecture/ Facebook

Mr. Pados and Fülöp got the airplane interiors from a website selling interiors salvaged from decommissioned airplanes. 


Lujza, A Well of Original Ideas

The average construction firm, and project coordinator, may have thought it a bore to work on a youngster’s project. However, Fülöp and his team at Hello Wood saw it as an avenue to learn and develop proficiencies. 

Source: Amazing Architecture/ Facebook

According to him, it was a pleasant experience working with young Lujza. Working with her saved the team a lot of brainstorming time, as she always had ideas handy. 


A Double Win for the Open-minded Father and Daughter

The Pados family ended up parting with well over 50,000 Euros to make the Jet House a reality. But, of course, they understand that nothing should stand in the way of a family’s happiness. 

Source: Hello Wood/ Facebook

Since the Jet House is an extension of the Pados vacation home, the family is seriously considering leasing it as a vacation rental.  
