Frightened And Abandoned Dog Refuses To Allow Anybody To Get Near—Until A Young Girl Came Forward

By: Lauren Wurth | Published: Oct 05, 2023

You may not know this, but dogs notice specific things about humans that people are unaware of. When a dog senses a good person with good intentions, they warm up quickly to them. The classic, telltale tail wag indicates an extremely happy pup who feels safe around someone.

When a dog meets their soul person, they form a special, mutual connection with them. This was the case for a stray pup who wouldn’t come out of hiding for anyone, until a little girl came its way.

The Fearful Fur Baby Hiding From the World

Like humans, our furry stray friends have a personality, and how they interact can affect how they find their way home when lost. You’ll likely find lost pups hiding in marshy areas, bushes, parks, etc.


Source: Imgur

Just recently, a stray dog had been hiding in the backyard of a little girl’s grandparents. Despite all efforts made by the grandparents to get it out of hiding, the stray dog wouldn’t come out. 


The Pup Wouldn’t Let Anyone Approach

The sweet stray dog was too afraid to come out of hiding. The nice grandparents would feed her, which made her stick around. But no matter how much they tried to entice her, she wouldn’t let anyone get too close.


Source: Bekah Cowley/TikTok

Stray dogs have often been abused or neglected by their previous owners, which can make them afraid and cautious about any human who approaches them. So they may not trust or feel very safe around humans.

The Sweet Little Girl Who Came Along

On this life-changing day for the pup, a sweet little girl and her parents visited her grandparents. The grandparents told them about the stray pup, and they decided to try to get the pup out.


Source: Bekah Cowley/ TikTok

The parents first approached it, but the dog was too scared and instead retreated back in fear. The dog didn’t strike them as a dangerous or mal-tempered, but rather merely sad. So they felt it was safe for their daughter to give it a try.

Our Furry Friends are Smitten With Children

Dogs are adaptable creatures that can bond with humans, including babies. Naturally, both dogs and babies have a common desire for a playmate to roll in the dirt and create fond memories with.


Source: Imgur

They are smitten by these little humans who they can form strong connections with. Another interesting fact is that they can sense a child  is vulnerable and harmless. So it wouldn’t be unusual if this stray pup were to be smitten by this little girl.

The Little Girl Approaches the Scared Pooch

After her parents had tried to no avail, the girl slowly approached the scared dog. To everyone’s surprise, the little fur baby gave a meager sniff and slowly came out of the bush, which had been its safe haven.

Source: Bekah Cowley/ TikTok

The dog was extremely happy to be approached by the girl and didn’t shame in expressing its excitement in her demeanor. It’s like she knew everything would be alright with her moving forward.


A Plea to Take Her Home

The girl begged to take the dog back home with them. Listening to her pleas, her father then tried to carry the dog. At long last, the happy little dog allowed the little girl’s parents to pick her up and put her in their truck. 

Source: Facebook

The child was ecstatic to make a new friend—she would now had someone to play with and give her attention to. You see, these animals can sense who really needs a furry friend.


Coming Up With a Name

When they brought the dog home, the little girl didn’t hesitate to make her feel welcome. She named her furry friend “Magic.” They wouldn’t leave each other’s side, going on several walks to the park together. 

Source: Bekah Cowley/TikTok

In the bid to create a new life for the dog, the little girl’s parents got it scanned and checked at the vet for any medical issues and also to confirm her age.


Finally United With Her Soul Person

The vet double-checked and confirmed that the dog was definitely not chipped and appeared not older than six months. But they didn’t stop there. They believed the dog was lost and probably had a devastated owner looking for her.

Source: Barstool Sports/TikTok

So, they searched everywhere to see if she was truly lost, but they came up with nothing. Perhaps, the puppy was just destined to be there, united with her soul person.


Goodbye Hugs and Kisses

Magic and her sweet little owner shared a bond that would make some adult dog owners jealous. They played on the playground together, and even while her owner slept, Magic would remain on her bed tucked in with her.

Source: Barstool Sports/TikTok

Magic never lacks love as her little owner always serenades her with goodbye hugs and kisses before leaving for school in the morning. Their relationship is truly a match made in heaven!
