He Gave Her A Necklace – She Uncovers His Surprising Hidden Truth 18 Months Later

By: Lisa Lee | Published: Oct 06, 2023

Terry presented Anna with a gleaming necklace to celebrate their first year of dating. It was crafted by his own hand, and the trinket seemed to represent a symbol of his love. As the months passed, the necklace became Anna’s cherished possession.

As they journeyed to Scotland, a land of mist and mystery, Terry revealed a shocking secret. As they walked through the rugged beauty of the highlands, he shattered the necklace. When Anna looked upon the broken pieces, she saw the truth of what she had been wearing around her neck all that time.

Their Story Went Viral

As the story of the Australian couple spread like wildfire through the media, the world was left in awe. It all began with a simple idea from Terry. But as he presented it to his beloved, Anna, he could have never imagined the chain of events that would unfold.


Source: YouTube/Smudha

When their relationship captivated the attention of the internet, it was then Terry realized the true power of his idea. The world was watching as the couple’s story unfolded. It became clear that this was no longer just a personal matter.


From Terry With Love

As the anniversary of their love approached, Terry knew he had to do something extraordinary to commemorate the blissful year he and Anna had shared. He yearned to give her a gift that was not only beautiful but also unique. It should be unlike anything she could find in a store.


Source: YouTube/Smudha

With a vision in his mind, Terry set out to create a necklace like none other. Though he had never crafted jewelry before, he was determined to make something that would take her breath away. 

Handmade And Heart-crafted

Driven by his desire to create something truly special, Terry set out to craft the perfect gift. But, in order to truly capture the essence of their love, he had to find a material that was as unique and beautiful as their relationship. 


Source: YouTube/Smudha

Terry journeyed to the wilds of Tasmania in search of the rarest of woods, Huon Pine. This ancient, fragrant wood was the key to his creation. With wood in hand, he set to work on his soon-to-be masterpiece.

Unexpected Surprise

When Anna received the necklace from Terry, she considered it more than just an accessory. To her, it was a symbol of their love and a token of his devotion. She wore it everywhere, every day, never taking it off. However, Anna didn’t know that the necklace was worth more than it appeared.


Source: YouTube/Smudha

A year and a half later, something truly remarkable happened–it was a moment that would change everything. The situation became a turning point in the couple’s lives. Essentially, it was a revelation that would leave them both breathless.

Exploring The World Together

Anna and Terry had a burning desire to explore the world. Their shared love of adventure took them on numerous journeys to the far reaches of the earth. They had traveled to many places before, but one destination had always eluded them–Scotland.

Source: YouTube/Smudha

In November 2016, they packed their bags and set out on a trip. As they traversed the rugged beauty of the highlands, they were filled with a sense of wonder and excitement. Little did they know this vacation would be one they would never forget.


A Special Trip

The Australian couple decided to set out and explore the secrets of Smoo Cave, a sea cave on the coast of the Scottish Highlands. They had heard tales of its splendor and of the breathtaking beauty that lay within. But little did they know, this was not just any ordinary excursion.

Source: YouTube/Smudha

As they descended into the cave, the beauty of the surroundings took their breath away. But Terry had something else in mind. Unbeknownst to Anna, he had come to Smoo Cave with a purpose.


A Nerve-racking Proposal

Terry had a secret burning in his heart as they walked toward the chambers of the cave.  He had big plans that he was sure would change the course of their lives forever. He had brought Anna to this popular tourist destination not just to see the sights but to ask for her hand in marriage.

Source: YouTube/Smudha

But this proposal was more than just a simple gesture. It was supposed to be a masterful plan that had been months in the making. Every detail had been meticulously arranged. As the couple explored further, Terry’s heart raced with anticipation.


Popping The Question

As they stood before the entrance of Smoo Cave, Terry turned to Anna with a question on his lips. He asked her if she would be willing to lend him her necklace, the one he had crafted with his own hands. He wanted to photograph it among the rocks. 

Source: YouTube/Smudha

Without hesitation, Anna took off her necklace and handed it over to Terry. She had no idea of the weight it held and the significance it carried. She also couldn’t shake off a sense of unease, a feeling that something was about to happen.


Capturing The Moment

It was a secret that had been kept hidden deep in Terry’s heart. As he stood before the entrance of Smoo Cave, he knew that this was the moment he had been waiting for. But it was a plan that could not be executed without the necklace.

Source: YouTube/Smudha

At that moment, Anna was completely unaware of the importance of the handmade trinket. She had no idea that it was the key to his plan. Terry held up the camera on the self-timer and prepared to capture the moment.


The Truth Is Finally Revealed

The moment had finally arrived. As the camera clicked and captured the image, Terry faced his love. He got down on one knee and, with a trembling hand, held out the necklace he had given her 18 months ago. 

Source: YouTube/Smudha

It was the symbol of their bond. But Terry tore the necklace apart with both hands. The sound of the necklace breaking echoed through the cave. Anna looked upon the broken pieces and saw the truth of what she had been wearing around her neck.


The Hidden Treasure

Though destroying the necklace seemed like an act of rage, the destruction was actually intentional. It was a necessary step in revealing the incredible surprise that lay within. As Anna looked upon the broken pieces, her eyes caught a glimpse of a glowing object. 

Source: YouTube/Smudha

She couldn’t believe what she saw–inside the necklace was a beautiful engagement ring. Her heart was filled with a sense of wonder and disbelief. It was a moment that would be forever etched in their memories.


Unique Love

Anna said yes without hesitation. She jumped into his arms, overwhelmed with happiness. The camera captured the moment, forever preserving it for all time. But it was not just the proposal that was impressive–it was the idea behind it. 

Source: YouTube/Smudha

Placing a ring inside a handmade necklace was a stroke of genius and creativity. It was a proposal that was not only romantic but also thoughtful. The necklace was not just beautiful; it was also a symbol of their one-of-a-kind way of expressing their love for each other. 


Difficult Emotions

Anna stood in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief as she realized the truth. For a year and a half, her precious ring had hung around her neck, hidden in plain sight. Though she appreciated the romantic gesture,  it was overshadowed by a burning anger that simmered just beneath the surface. 

Source: YouTube/Smudha

Terry stood before her with a hopeful expression. But for Anna, it was not enough to quell her emotion. With a trembling voice, she spoke words that would forever change the course of their relationship.


A Mistake

Anna couldn’t help but express shock and surprise that she had been wearing the ring all along. She expressed anger at Terry’s “stupidity” as the ring could have easily been lost. Terry’s heart almost sank as he saw the anger and disappointment in her eyes.

Source: YouTube/Smudha

He knew that he had made a mistake by keeping the ring hidden for so long, but he had trusted her not to lose it. And luckily for him, she had kept it safe for 18 months. Anna was quite adamant that the precious ring could have been misplaced all for a silly surprise.


True Love Is Patient

In an interview with ABC News in May 2017, Terry described his interest in giving a gift that held a deeper meaning. Specifically, he treasured items whose value could only be revealed with time. He added that it was also the ultimate test of trust and patience.

Source: YouTube/Smudha

Though it was a gamble, he trusted that Anna would keep it safe for 18 months. Anna also revealed that it was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her. It was proof that true love can surprise anyone in the most unexpected ways.


A Love Story That Went Viral

As the story of Terry’s romantic gesture spread, he knew he had to capture it all on film. He spent months pouring over footage in order to carefully craft a moving video that captured the couple’s journey from the moment he hid the ring to the tearful moment she discovered it.

Source: YouTube/Smudha

When the video was finally released, it quickly went viral. The world was captivated by the couple’s amazing story. Within just a few short days, it had racked up over 4 million views on YouTube. Comments were also received from around the globe.


Public Reaction

Due to Terry’s romantic gesture, various reactions poured in from all corners of the world. One YouTuber who was deeply moved by the couple’s story left a comment saying, “You guys, this is amazing. It makes me want to rethink my own proposal to my wife. Congratulations on your engagement.”

Source: YouTube/Smudha

However, not all reactions were positive. One man was unimpressed and left a bitter comment reading, “Well done, but you make all women expect that.” A heated debate ensued, with many defending Terry’s creative proposal, while others warned that it raised the bar for future proposals.


Totally Unexpected

Anna’s reaction to the thousands of comments and millions of views their proposal video received was similar to her reaction when she discovered the ring inside her necklace. She was in shock and disbelief. 

Source: YouTube/Smudha

Anna described being completely blown away by people’s responses. She explained that they didn’t have any idea that their story would resonate with so many people. People’s positive reactions exceeded their wildest expectations.


Newfound Fame

Anna was eager to share her thoughts on their newfound fame. She expressed joy that they were able to touch numerous people with their love story. The couple decided to get married in 2019.

Source: YouTube/Smudha

As they were preparing to take their relationship to the next level, many were expecting that their love story would have a fairytale ending. So far, it seems the couple is indeed living happily ever after.
