‘I Was Afraid to Leave My House’, Life-Long Oakland Resident Moves Out Due to Intolerable Crime in the Area

By: Georgia | Last updated: Nov 02, 2023

Historically recognized for its tight-knit communities and cultural vibrancy, Oakland now faces an unsettling increase in criminal activities.

The local NAACP’s call for a state of emergency underscores the urgency of the situation, emphasizing the pressing need for immediate solutions and interventions.

A Painful Decision for Residents

Kristin Cook embodies the heartbreak of many in Oakland. Having lived in the city her entire life, she is now confronted with the prospect of leaving due to skyrocketing crime rates.


Source: Saira Ahmed/Unsplash

Her statement, “I love Oakland,” resonates deeply, emphasizing the emotional toll this upheaval takes on individuals and families alike.


Unthinkable Daylight Crimes

In a troubling development, Oakland has witnessed an alarming increase in brazen offenses occurring in broad daylight.


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Home invasions, assaults, and break-ins, previously rarities during the day, have now become a distressing norm. This shift highlights the gravity of the crime wave sweeping the city.

Protective Measures Intensify

To combat the growing unease, Tony Byrd, a concerned Oakland resident, has heavily fortified her home. Byrd says Oakland police recommended steel braces for residential doors and air horns.


Source: Scott Rodgerson/Unsplash

Employing locked gates, five surveillance cameras, and alarms, she aims to shield herself from the growing threats. Her rationale is poignant: “I’m not looking for the perfect, safe place. I’m looking for a place where the elderly, women with children aren’t targeted.”

A Sobering Reality Check

The grievous incident involving 60-year-old Dave Schneider, who tragically lost his life in broad daylight while attending to his front garden, serves as a chilling testament to the dire state of affairs.


Source: Getty Images

Such incidents push residents like Byrd to demand change, vocalizing the need for urgent action.

Local Businesses Bear the Brunt of Rising Criminal Activity

Troy Welch, a dedicated local business owner, finds himself besieged by an alarming frequency of robberies.

Source: Getty Images

With sizable losses in merchandise and the unsettlingly prolonged police response times, he, like many others, grapples with the challenges of maintaining a business in these tumultuous times.


The Community's Plea for Action

As crimes continue to surge, community meetings have become hotbeds of dissatisfaction. Residents are vocal about their disappointment, directing their ire at local leaders and the police force.

Source: Getty Images

The NAACP, voicing the community’s frustrations, has released a candid open letter, critiquing the city’s approach to the crisis, blaming failed leadership, the Defund the Police movement, and anti-police rhetoric for creating a “heyday for Oakland criminals.”


Reimagining Strategies for a Safer Oakland

Interim Police Chief Darren Allison emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to tackle the city’s crime problems. He advocates for multi-pronged strategies that combine enforcement with community engagement.

Source: Getty Images

Oakland’s mayor, meanwhile, understands the importance of delving into root causes such as housing, education, and employment as foundational solutions for a safer, more prosperous city.
