Couple Developed A Deep Affection For Dog Before Ever Meeting Him

By: Lisa Lee | Published: Sep 24, 2023

Tracy and Scott had a dream that would transform the lives of hundreds of dogs and their owners. In 2011, they founded Tracy’s Dogs, a non-profit organization. When they saw a picture of a dog in a high-kill shelter, they knew they had to act fast. 

When they first met him, tears of joy streamed down their faces. Through their unconditional love for animals, they have been able to give hundreds of dogs a second chance at life.

Helping Canines in Need: Meet Tracy's Dogs 

Are you passionate about animals and want to make a difference? Meet Tracy’s Dogs, a non-profit animal rescue and rehabilitation center based in San Antonio, Texas. Dedicated staff work tirelessly to find each dog a loving and caring forever home, striving to save as many canines as possible from high-kill shelters. 


Source: Tracy’s Dogs/Facebook

It’s a big job, but with your commitment, we can all make a difference in the lives of these wonderful animals. Together, let’s create a brighter future for Tracy’s Dogs!


Saving Lives Through Passion 

Tracy Voss and her husband Scott Whyatt shared a deep passion for animals, particularly dogs. In 2011, they decided to use this passion to help the homeless dogs in their local area. After learning about the National Animal Relocation Initiative, they dedicated their time to saving dogs that were brought to shelters that were over-capacity. 


Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

These dogs were at the highest risk of being euthanized due to lack of space. Through their passion and tireless efforts, Tracy and Scott are making a positive impact on the lives of these dogs.

Ready to Go the Extra Mile for Animal Welfare 

The Tracy’s Dogs volunteers were determined to make sure the animals had the best chance of finding their forever homes. After researching the National Animal Relocation Initiative, they quickly discovered there were other animal shelters with room for the pups as they waited for their new family. 


Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Even if it meant traveling to another state, the volunteers were willing to go the extra mile for the animals they cared deeply about. By taking proactive action, they were able to help even more animals find the loving homes they deserved.

Tracy's Furlough Turned Into A Life-Long Passion 

Tracy had some downtime in 2011 when she was furloughed from her job, and she decided to put it to good use. She started visiting the local city shelter in San Antonio, videoing the dogs that were unlikely to get adopted. 


Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Soon, her heartstrings were pulled, and she knew that she had to continue her passion for helping these animals even after she went back to work full-time. What started as a six-week break from her job had become a life-long passion.

From YouTube to Non-Profit: Tracy’s Dogs 

Tracy had the brilliant idea of using YouTube and social media to spread the word about the dogs who needed adopting. Little did she know, this idea would evolve into a full-fledged non-profit! 

Source: tracy’s Dogs/YouTube

Scott recalls, “She started posting those videos on YouTube and we soon got recognition from people across the country who wanted to adopt these dogs.” With the help of Tracy’s Dogs, numerous dogs were adopted and found their forever homes. Thanks to Tracy’s ingenuity, her organization has grown and flourished.


Finding Forever Homes for 3,700+ Loving Pups 

For six years, Tracy’s Dogs has been on a mission to find loving, forever homes for thousands of pups. Their rigorous adoption process ensures that each pup is placed in a safe, loving environment. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Every dog is carefully examined and their potential adopters are thoroughly screened to ensure that all adopted pups are going to the best possible home. Since their inception, Tracy’s Dogs has managed to rehome over 3,700 dogs, giving them the chance to experience the love and comfort that they all deserve.


Find Your Perfect Match with Tracy’s Dogs 

Discover the perfect pup for your family with Tracy’s Dogs! Adopting a four-legged companion isn’t a decision to take lightly, which is why Tracy’s team takes extra care to ensure that there’s a match for everyone. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

First, you’ll need to fill out an online application to start the process. Then, Tracy’s team will carefully review to ensure you’re the right fit for the dog. Once approved, you’ll have the chance to meet your pup in person and ensure that you’re the perfect match.


Finding Fur-ever Homes: How Tracy's Dogs Helps 

At Tracy’s Dogs, we understand how important it is for dogs to find their fur-ever home. After all the paperwork is filled out, potential adopters are contacted by a counselor from Tracy’s Dogs who helps them find a dog that is the perfect fit for their family. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Once the new pet is safely in the home, the adopters pay an adoption fee that goes right back into the organization to help other dogs find loving homes. With Tracy’s Dogs, you can help make sure every pup finds their perfect home.


Find Your Fur-ever Love at PetSmart 

Are you looking for the perfect pup to add to your family? Look no further than Tracy’s Dogs and PetSmart! Tracy’s team brings the furry friends to meet their new families in a positive and open space at the nearest PetSmart. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Not only do you get to know your pup before bringing them home, but you can also pick up all the essential dog owner supplies you need. With Tracy’s Dogs and PetSmart as business partners, you’ve got friends in high places to help you find your fur-ever love!


A Heartwarming Community Event: Adoption Day at PetSmart 

Adoption Day at PetSmart is a heartwarming event for the community! Scott, Tracy’s husband, drives the Tracy’s Dogs trailer, transporting the pups to their new homes. As the trailer arrives, everyone is filled with excitement and anticipation. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

There are smiles and happy tears all around as the pups are taken out of the trailer, ready to meet their new families. It’s impossible not to beam with joy at the sight of these adorable dogs. Adoption Day is truly a special occasion for everyone involved.


A Moment of Emotion: Adopting your Pet 

Meeting your pet for the first time can be a very emotional experience. For adopters who have only seen pictures of the animal they will welcome into their homes, the moment they meet in person is a big deal. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Tears of joy can be seen at these adoption events, showing that all the hard work and effort of the adoption process has been worth it. Although the process can be long and tiresome, the joy and connection that comes with it are priceless.


Love and Compassion Lead Couple to Adopt 

Brian Roseto and Megan Peters are deeply in love and passionate about keeping dogs out of high-kill shelters. That’s why they chose to contact Tracy’s Dogs for help in finding a furry addition to their family. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Though they already had a pup at home, Brian and Megan knew that adding the right pet to their household would be a key factor in ensuring everyone got along. Through their love and compassion, the couple was able to become part of the solution and bring a new four-legged friend into their hearts and home.


A Match Made in Heaven! 

Brian and Megan were on the hunt for a furry companion when they stumbled upon Petfinder, a website that specializes in pet adoption. Little did they know that their perfect pup was just a click away! 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Instantly mesmerized by a photo of a gorgeous dog, they knew that this was the one. Without a second thought, they adopted him and named him Finn. Meeting their new pup in person, they were completely blown away! It was as if it was a match made in heaven!


Joyful Dogs Rejoice at PetSmart 

At PetSmart, joy filled the air as dogs were reunited with their loving families. Finn was the first to find his forever home, but the other pups were not far behind. With their tails wagging and hearts filled with love, their excitement was palpable. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Tears of joy were shed as the happy pooches were finally out in the fresh air and ready to start a new life with their families. It was a moment that will be remembered for years to come.


A Heartwarming Moment: A Couple Finds their Forever Friend 

The parking lot of PetSmart was charged with emotion as the couple arrived to meet their new pup. With the stakes high, they couldn’t help but feel the overwhelming anticipation. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

As Scott approached them with a little bundle of fur in his arms, the woman instantly scooped him up and the joy was palpable. It was clear that this pup had just hit the jackpot and found his forever family. The couple has no doubt been inseparable ever since, with the little pup now being the apple of their eye.


The Magical Bond between a Dog and its Owner 

Scott’s face may have been a mask of composure, but inside he was filled with joy and excitement. This was the moment he had worked so hard to achieve, the moment that makes all the hard work worth it. “It’s an incredible feeling,” Scott beamed. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

“It’s like having a thousand butterflies in your stomach!” The bond between a dog and its owner is truly one of the most magical things in the world, and witnessing it begin is a truly remarkable experience.


Tracy's Dogs: The Home of Successful Adoptions 

Liz Grabarits, Operations Manager for Tracy’s Dogs, knows that the organization’s intense adoption process is the secret to its success. With a unique approach that is proving to be highly effective, Liz proudly explains, “We add a great deal of value to families seeking to adopt… we are filling an important niche.” 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Thanks to Liz’s excellent organization skills and dedication, Tracy’s Dogs has been able to facilitate many successful adoptions. So, if you’re looking for a furry friend, Tracy’s Dogs is undoubtedly the place for you!


Adopting a Dog from Liz: Saving Three Lives! 

Liz passionately believes in the “adopt, don’t shop” mantra. She knows how many dogs are euthanized in shelters annually and she’s determined to lower that number. Liz explains, “When someone adopts a dog from us, they’re not just saving that dog – they’re saving three lives!” 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

What does she mean by that? Well, when a pup is adopted, it not only saves the life of the adopted animal, but also prevents two more dogs from being euthanized in shelters due to overcrowding. Adopt, don’t shop – you’re saving three lives!


The Ripple Effect of Adopting a Shelter Dog 

When Liz talks about the joy of saving a dog from the shelter, her explanation reveals a ripple effect that positively impacts many lives. Every time one dog is adopted, it creates an opportunity for another homeless pup to be rescued from the shelter as well. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Liz explains that their camp in Texas has limited space for just 100 dogs, so when a trailer leaves with 60 dogs, it opens up those spots for more. Adopting a furry friend can save so many more lives than just one.


Saving the Unwanted: Tracy's Mission to Rescue 

Tracy and her team of animal rescuers never give up on any pup who is in need. Every month, they visit high kill shelters and take in 60 dogs, giving them a chance to find a loving home. 

Source: OnlyGood TV/YouTube

Liz explains how Tracy’s efforts don’t just save the lives of those dogs but also make room for more in the shelter. We are truly grateful for people like Tracy who fight tirelessly to make sure that every dog can have a safe and loving home.
