Kind-Hearted Husband’s Decision Brings Wife Back To Her Family

By: Lydia Iseh | Published: Sep 16, 2023

Many people take bold steps and make courageous relationship decisions that carry heavy risks but the rewards turn out to be well worth the hardships. These decisions are often difficult due to the circumstance or people involved, especially if they are loved ones. 

Taking a loved one off life-support can be one such decision. No one wants to be the person to send a loved one to the afterlife. In 2021, one man’s difficult choice turned into a beautiful miracle because he refused to give up.

Meet The Carvers

The loving couple of Zach and Autumn Carver were expecting a new addition to their family when tragedy struck. The expectant duo, who already had two daughters, were excited to welcome their son and third child to the family.


Source: Autumn Carver/Facebook

Autumn suddenly took ill and was admitted to the hospital, where she was found to have been infected by the Coronavirus. The illness sent the expectant mom spiraling down a hole that seemingly would lead to her demise.


Novel Coronavirus Shakes the World

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an infectious disease of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) family. People who have been infected range from experiencing no symptoms to mild or severe symptoms, usually affecting the respiratory organs. Studies have shown that individuals with compromised immunity are most susceptible to infection.


Source: Wikimedia Commons

The infection is contracted through the air when droplets from coughing, sneezing, singing, speaking, or breathing pass from one sick person to a healthy person. The virus then enters the body and induces suppression of the immune system.

Worldwide Impact of COVID-19

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact has been far-reaching and touching every corner of the world. In spite of many efforts of healthcare systems, governments, and organizations, the World Health Organisation recorded that, as of July 2023, there have been 768,237,788 confirmed cases of the virus, this includes a staggering 6,951,677 deaths. 


Source: Wikimedia Commons

These numbers offer a glimpse into the intensity of the havoc COVID-19 wreaked on the lives of millions worldwide.

How To Prevent COVID-19 Infection

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the prevention of COVID-19 is quite easy. It involves proper and frequent hand washing, the use of approved face masks, keeping a six-foot (three-meter) distance from others in public places, and getting vaccinated.


Source: Wikipedia

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) had also advises people get vaccinated, especially women looking to get pregnant, in order to reduce risks and prevent fatal complications that may arise in both mother and child from a COVID-19 infection. 

COVID-19 Packs A Wicked Punch

The Carvers had initially refused the COVID-19 vaccination for fear of having another miscarriage. This was not unusual, as many had skepticism anent getting vaccinated. 

Source: Newsline Publishing/Pinterest

When the disease struck, Autumn showed severe COVID-19 symptoms and was immediately admitted to the hospital. Doctors told her her chances of survival were very slim and also made this known to Zach.


Welcoming Baby Huxley

Autumn had to have an emergency C-section to deliver her baby boy, Huxley, who was 33 weeks along at the time. The newborn was healthy, and she was put on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) to ensure proper life support. 

Source: Facebook

ECMO uses an artificial life-support machine that aids the process of pumping blood into the body by adding oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. It is now commonly used in cases of lung collapse when the natural breathing process is difficult or impossible. 


The Doctors Give a Dire Prognosis

Zach was distressed but held out hope after doctors had told him of the slim chances his wife had. The doctors had requested that Zach pull his wife off of life support and let her go. 

Source: Getty Images

They believed her chances for survival were zero, but Zach stood firm on his decision and took to social media to ask for prayers and support for his wife. He recalled that day as the worst day of his life.


Zach Holds On When Hope Seems Bleak

Zach, who was beside Autumn through her ordeal supporting her, could not imagine life without her. He had known her since he was 14 and could not bear the thought of pulling the plug. 


Instead, he wanted the doctors to wake her up so he could put Huxley, her newborn son, in her arms. Huxley, who was already two months old at the time, was yet to feel the touch of his mother.


A Compassionate Decision

Zach had come to a decision to pull his wife out of the induced coma, and so he pleaded with the doctors to wake her up so she could feel the touch of her baby. It was already two months into Autumn’s induced coma and admission to the ICU.

Source: Wikipedia

The doctors had warned him that the risk associated with that measure could be potentially life-threatening as that could be the last thing Autumn does. Also, Autumn had already been on ECMO for two months, and people who have been placed on the life support technology for over a month may require a lung transplant for survival after they wake up.


Mother and Child Reunited Again

The doctors eventually agreed to wake Autumn, and Zach held on to faith and prayers as the long-awaited time arrived. It was a very emotional moment for the family and medical professionals present when Zach got to place baby Huxley in Autumn’s arms. 

Source: People Magazine/Pinterest

Huxley finally got the chance to be with his mom for the first time since birth. The reunion between mother and child was a beautiful sight for everyone who witnessed the moment.


Longing for Togetherness

For the family, there is no doubt that the impact of being away from their mother and his wife was one of the hardest things they had to go through during such a difficult moment. But thanks to technology, they did their best to stay connected and assuage the feelings of longing. 

Source: Getty Images

Video calls on FaceTime, as well as pictures and many videos of themselves, helped them stay in touch with each other.


The Long Road To Recovery

Autumn, now finally out of her induced coma, was to be transferred from IU Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, where she would undergo a lung transplant. However, the medical professionals had primarily opted for modifications to her ECMO device to see if she could survive without it on her own, and she did. 

Source: Zach Carver/Facebook

According to doctors, her chances of surviving the ECMO without a lung transplant were below five percent, but miraculously, Autumn slowly began making good progress.


A Family's Resilience

Autumn coming out of the coma was just her first step toward her journey to recovery. She also had to confront many side effects of the coma, which demonstrates her resilience and determination. For the family, it wasn’t any easier. 

Source: Getty Images

One can only imagine the worry and fear of the unknown that may have gripped their hearts as they wondered if they would ever fully get their mother and wife back. 


A Miracle Delivered From Faith

Due to the surprising progress Autumn had made, the doctors had taken her off ECMO, and she had been removed from the ICU, but she remained in the hospital for continued supervision of her progress. 

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Zach shared her progress in a Facebook post, stating, “On November 21, 2021, Autumn broke out of the ICU.” Autumn’s brilliant recovery and healing process made doctors decide there was no need for a lung transplant.


A Christmas Present for the Carvers

Autumn began receiving therapies to aid her recovery. She received speech, physical and occupational therapy, as she had been in a coma for about two months. According to the doctors, Autumn had a forty percent lung capacity after therapy and progress supervision—her recovery was deemed a medical miracle. 

Source: Physiotherapy Clinic/Pinterest

In December 2021, Autumn was discharged from the hospital and allowed to go home. To Zach and Autumn, there could not have been a better Christmas present for the family, especially for their two young daughters who hadn’t seen their mother in months.


A Call for Vaccination

Before heading home to her family, Autumn’s doctors had also advised her on the importance of her getting vaccinated as soon as possible. 

Source: Wikimedia Commons

COVID-19 vaccines have helped millions around the globe. A recent report by World Health Organisation showed that around the world, a total of 13,474,265,907 vaccine doses have been administered. Autumn’s experience highlights the devastating effects COVID-19 can leave on a person, which serves as a reminder that everyone needs to take a step towards a safer and healthier future.


The Carvers Reunited Once Again

The couple had planned to surprise their daughters, who had no idea of their mother’s recovery. The daughters were shocked to see their mother walk in and could not contain their joy upon her arrival.

Source: Facebook

Zach posted on his Facebook page “Such a happy, emotional, overwhelming day. I had to step back many times and look at all the greatness. We surprised our daughters. I think they were in shock. Neither of them could talk or react.”


Love that Conquers All

One of the other things that stands out the most is Zach’s unwavering support and faith. Through Autumn’s ordeal, he was able to stay strong for himself, his kids, and his wife. This further highlights the strength of their bond as a family and the crucial role Zach played in Autumn’s miraculous recovery. 

Source: A Healing for Autumn/Facebook

Their very inspiring journey of healing is a testament to the profound impact of love and overcoming obstacles as a family. 


The Long-Lasting Effects of a Miracle

The entire ordeal has made a lasting mark on the Carvers. Although the nightmare was an emotional roller coaster, they are grateful for the miracle of having Autumn back home with them. Their daughter opened up on how she now believes in miracles since she experienced one. 

Source: Facebook

Autumn also shared a message with everyone who followed her journey and now views every day as a gift. Zach prays a lot more with his family, since he believes prayers saved his family from loss.


A Little Hope Can Go a Long Way

This heartwarming tale demonstrates how courage and faith by one man in the midst of uncertainty created a miracle for his wife, who was infected with COVID-19 during pregnancy. 

Source: Cafe Mom/Pinterest

The Carver case is often categorized as rare in the medical field. And although there has been a reduction in the number of people infected with COVID-19 worldwide, it is still advisable to take proper preventive measures—not just for your own safety, but for the safety of our loved ones as well. 
